Happy Gabby Little Violin Explorers Class
Sign up

Little violin explorerS


Plant a seed of music. Reap a garden of happiness.

Little Violin Explorers 小小小提琴家課程

“Sow a thought and you reap an action; sow an act and you reap a habit; sow a habit and you reap a character; sow a character and you reap a destiny.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
種下思想,收穫行動;種下行動,收穫習慣;種下習慣,收穫性格;種下性格,收穫命運。— 愛默生

Start your children on the right note, build a strong foundation for them to flourish in their musical journey.


  • Recommend regular once a week class 每星期一次。(Classes are required to be completed within 9 weeks) (小提琴私人課程需要9個星期內完成)

  • 8 X 60 minutes per session 共8課每堂60分鐘面授小提琴私人課程

  • $8000

Young prodigy Programme 少年音樂訓練課程

Unleash your child's musical talents. Our programme features a carefully curated selection of star instructors who are experts in their respective musical instruments.


  • Recommended for ABRSM Grade 7 or above 推薦給ABRSM七級或以上的學生。

  • Recommend regular once a week class 每星期一次。(Classes are required to be completed within 9 weeks) (小提琴私人課程需要9個星期內完成)

  • 8 X 60 minutes per session 共8課每堂60分鐘面授小提琴私人課程

  • $15840


All participants must provide a valid email address as communication will be via email. The organisers will not be responsible for non-receipt of emails.

Participation is non-transferrable.

PAL reserves the right to make any amendments without notice.
PAL 保留更改活動一切有關事宜的權利,恕不另行通知。

enquiries 查詢

Should you have any questions in regards to the course or would like to enquire about different time slots or instruments, please email us on art@p-a-l.hk

以音樂栽種 譜出快樂童年
以樂韻為苗 盛放盈盈喜樂